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S Series Horizontal Split case Centrifugal Pump
S Series Horizontal Split case Centrifugal Pump

Compared with other similar pumps, Model-S horizontal medium -open pump of NANFANG PUMP PUMP INDUSTRY is featured with long life, high efficiency, reasonable structure, low operating cost, convenient installation and repair, etc. It is an ideal pump for fire fighting, air - conditioning, chemical, water treatment and other industries.

Pump Body

The designed pressures of the pump are1.6Mpaand2.0Mpa. In order to meet different users'requirements around the world, the relevant inlet and outlet flanges of pump body can be chosen according to ANSI, PN and JIS standards. These inletand outlet flanges areall installed in the lower part of pump body, so the rotor can be taken out without disassembling pipelines of the system, and it is convenient to repair. Part of the pump body adopts a double-flow-passage structure in design, which can lower the radial force and extend the life of the mechanic seal and the bearing.

Blade Wheel

The hydraulic design of the blade wheel uses the up-to-date CFD technology, which can improve the hydraulic efficiency of the pump. The blade wheel has been made in a dynamic balance, so as to make sure that model-S pump can run very smoothly.


The diameter of the shaft is big, while the gap between bearings is short. This can lower the deflection of the shaft, so as to extend the life of the mechanic seal and the bearing.

Shaft Casing

For model-S pumps of NANFANG PUMP, the shaft casing can be made of many different materials, so as to protect the shaft from corrosion and abrasion. The shaft casing can be replaced.

Abrasion Ring

A replaceable abrasion ring is installed between the pump body and blade wheel, so as to protect the pump body and blade wheel from abrasion. It is convenient to replace. This results in low maintenance cost, guarantees enough running gap and high efficiency.


The pump with unique stuffing design of NANFANG PUMP can use not only stuffing, but also mechanic seal. The seal device can be replaced without disassembling pump cover.


The unique bearing design makes it possible that the bearing can use either grease or thin oil for lubrication. The designed life of the bearing can be up to more than 100,000 hours. A double-row thrust bearing or closed-type bearing can also be used.


According to actual demands of users, the materials of model-S horizontal medium-open pump can be copper, cast iron, nodular cast iron, 316 stainless steel, 416 stainless steel, duplex steel, Hastelloy, monelmetal, Titanium alloy, 20# alloy, etc.

Installment Mode

Model-S pump can be installed in two ways: horizontal and vertical installments. The vertical installment can save floor space.

Performance Chart of Model-S Single-stage-Double-suction Pump

Pump Model Q Capacity (m3/h) H Head m n Speed (r/min) (KW) Power η Efficiency (NPSH)r (m) D Impeller diameter (mm) Weight pump/base (kg)
Shaft electromotor
150S78 126 160 198 84 78 70 2950 45.3 55 75 3.5 245 158/112
150S78A 112 144 180 67 62 55 33.8 45 72 223 158/95
150S50 130 160 220 52 50 40 27.3 37 80 3.9 206 147/112
150S50A 116 144 180 44 40 35 21 30 75 185 147/95
150S50B 103 133 160 38 36 32 18.6 22 70 147/80
200S95 183 280 324 103 95 85 91.7 125 79.2 5.3 282 240/-
200S95A 198 270 310 94 87 80 85.3 110 75 270
200S95B 245 72 64.9 75 74 250
200S63 216 280 351 69 63 50 58.3 82.7 5.4 235 187/135
200S63A 180 270 324 54.5 46 37.5 45.1 55 75 210 187/124
200S42 216 280 342 48 42 35 38.1 45 842 204 219/180
200S42A 198 270 310 43 36 31 33.1 37 80 193
250S65 360 485 612 71 65 56 1450 109 132 78.6 3 450 518/-
250S65A 338 468 540 60 54 50 89.4 110 77 400
250S39 360 485 612 42.5 39 32.9 61.5 75 83.6 32 367 400/240
250S39A 324 468 576 35.5 30.5 25 49.3 55 79 328 400/233
250S24 360 485 576 27 24 19 36.9 45 85.8 3.5 285
250S24A 342 414 482 22.2 20.3 17.4 27.6 37 83 265 370/201
250S14 360 485 576 17.5 14 11 21.5 30 85.8 3.8 245 305/225
250S14A+ 320 432 504 13.7 11 8.6 15.8 18.5 82 214 305/215
300S90 590 790 936 93 90 82 243 300 79.6 4 530 840/-
300S90A 576 756 918 86 78 70 217 260 74 500
300S90B 540 720 900 72 67 57 180 220 73 470
300S58 576 790 972 65 58 50 148 180 84.2 4.4 445 599/-
300S58A 529 720 893 55 49 42 119 160 81 419
300S58B 504 684 835 47.2 43 37 100 132 80 394
300S32 612 790 900 36 32 28 79.2 90 86.8 4.6 348 709/-
300S32A 551 720 810 31 26 24 60.7 75 84 318
300S19 612 790 935 22 19 14 47 55 86.8 5.2 290 434/485
300S19A 504 720 829 20 16 13 39.2 45 80 260 434/490
300S12 612 790 900 14.5 12 10 30.4 37 84.8 5.5 251 413/243
300S12A 522 684 792 11.8108.7 23.9 30 78 200 413/237
350S75 972 1260 1440 80 75 65 303 356 85.2 5.8 503 1200/-
350S75A 900 1170 1332 70 65 56 247 280 84 470

Pump Model Q Capacity (m3/h) H Head m n Speed (r/min) (KW) Power η Efficiency (NPSH)r (m) D Impeller diameter (mm) Weight pump/base (kg)
Shaft electromotor
350S75B 900 1080 1224 59 55 47.5 1450 197 220 82 5.8 443 1200/-
350S44 828 1260 1476 50 44 37 173 220 87.5 6.3 406 11051/-
350S44A 972 1116 1332 41 36 30 131 160 84 370
350S26 864 1260 1440 32 26 22 102 132 87.5 6.7 340 672/-
350S26A 972 1116 1296 26 21.5 16.5 78.8 90 83 310
350S16 864 1260 1440 20 16 13.4 64.5 75 85.3 7.1 290 632/-
350S16A 972 1044 1260 16 13.4 10 48.8 55 78 250
500S98 864 2020 2340 14 98 79 970 678 800 79.5 6 860 4300/-
500S98A 1620 1872 2170 96 83 67 540 630 78.5 800
500S98B 1500 1746 2020 86 74 59 452 560 78 745
500S59 1400 2020 2340 68 59 47 391 450 83 675 2700/-
500S59A 1620 1872 2170 57 49 39 333 400 75 630
500S59B 1500 1746 2020 46 40 32 257 315 74 585
500S35 1400 2020 2340 40 35 28 219 280 88 530 2300/-
500S35A 1620 1746 2020 31 27 21 151 220 85 498
500S22 1400 2020 2340 24.5 22 19.4 144 182 84 460 2000/-
500S22A 1620 1746 2020 20 17 14 104 132 80 410
500S13 1400 2020 2340 15 13 10.4 862 110 83 390
600S75 1620 3170 75 727 800 89 7.5 782 4300/-
600S75A 2880 65 580 630 88 716
600S47 3170 3500 56 47 38 465 560 88 626 3800/-
600S32 2500 3170 3960 37 32 20 314 380 88 540 2500/-
600S32A 2520 2880 3600 31.5 27 20 246 280 86 500
600S32B 2304 2628 22 187 240 84 480
600S22 3170 22 216 250 88 7 485
600S22A 2880 18 161 215 87 440
800S75 4320 6330 7200 84.5 75 67 730 1405 1600 92 8 990 8300/-
800S48 3600 5070 6200 55 48.5 43 585 752 1000 89 5.2 990 8300/-
800S29 4300 5400 5760 32 29 27 730 472 570 90 8 716 6000/-
800S29A 3960 5000 5400 29 26 23.7 730 393.5 440 90 7 680 6000/-
800S29B 3600 4700 5000 23.7 20 17.5 730 284.5 320 90 6.2 625 6000/-
800S29C 3600 4300 4680 22.3 18.6 17 585 242 280 90 5 716 6000/-
800S29D 3240 4000 4300 18.7 16.5 15 585 200 230 90 4.5 680 6000/-
800S29E 2880 3800 3960 15.6 13 11.5 585 151.2 185 89 4 625 6000/-

S Series Horizontal Split case Centrifugal Pump Related Products

Catalog:Split Case Pumps

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